Monday, October 22, 2012

Congestion Pricing, Not a Bad Idea

Diagram of how properly located parking can help retain travel in CBD's after congestion pricing is implementet id   Courtesy of Professor Aly Tawfik. 

The past few classes we have begun to talk more about solving the problems of the world and particularly America's unsustainable transportation system and in William R. Black's Sustainable Transportation, Black goes into detail about how one of the ways solutions to basically every aspect that makes transportation unsustainable can be solved, or at least improved via pricing.  This pricing would vary from an increase in taxes or cost of transportation modes to tolls.  One of these tooling options is knows as congestion pricing.  Congestion pricing is currently being implemented in Singapore and London, where roads int he Central Business Districts (CBD's) are tolled via automated systems to try and demotivate people from traveling into what is generally considered the areas of highest congestion.  While some criticize this system I think it is a great idea.

Many will criticize congestion pricing or tolling roads in CBD's because it can take business away from those in the CBD due to the decreased travel.  But I think that if it is done correctly, then there should be less economic loss then there is economic and sustainable gain, if not no loss at all.  As Professor Tawfik explained in class, typically free parking should be provided just outside of the tolling area to allow outsiders to park near the CBD and taker public transportation or active transportation into the CBD.  This helps decrease the loss in traffic and business.  I also think that once there is less congestion, it will be easier to get around the CBD and park.  This could potentially increase business for stores and businesses that rely on ease of access to their property.

Overall I think that congestion pricing or tolling works and is a great idea.  It makes those who truely use the system pay for it more.

What do you think?

1 comment:

  1. I think that congestion pricing does work when it is implemented correctly. I actually blogged about an article of a situation where congestion pricing did not work but I think that congestion pricing is a great way to control traffic.
